1. "Things I Will Miss About DC" Finale
You’re glad you missed this one. It would have inevitably been a long and drawn out sob sounding depiction of the great times I had in DC with my amazing friends. You know- the sappy, sentimental “my friends are better than yours” speech. Of course, my DC friends ARE awesome and I DO miss them terribly, but I have no doubt they would have even vomited uncontrollably after reading the blog entry that would have spewed their frenzied and bizarre praises for at least 3 paragraphs too long.
2. Move to
3. Italy
I discovered a few very important things while traveling throughout Italy (which, by the way, is an incredible country in way too many ways to mention). 1- I’m pretty sure the love of my life works at a trattoria in Florence. I don’t know his name, but our eyes met and it was categorically and absolutely Love. There is certainly something to be said for ephemeral moments. 2- I am guaranteed a spot in heaven after visiting no less than 1 million churches, chapels, basilicas, and cathedrals before even stepping foot in Vatican City. 3- With the beauty of each location comes a new addition to the infamous “Lost Items List.” Note: Pittsburgh International Airport keeps their lost and found inventory for 60 days.
4. Steelers-Vikings Game/My Birthday!!!
It’s also interesting to note that this game raked in the highest attendance in Heinz Field history. Nice lil' tidbit for y'all! (yinz??)
I don't think it's necessary to expand on this point. Sometimes less is more...
(For the Record: Yes, Fleury did block the shot on the right. He is a god.)
7. Life in Pittsburgh
Life in Pittsburgh is great! Basically, I hangout with friends and drink beer. From time to time, I'll hit up a museum or go for a run, but for the most part you can find me in front of a TV watching hockey, football, or really bad tv shows about vampires. Apparently... my life hasn't changed at all.
8. The Glories of Unemployment
Sleeping all day, staying up all night, ignoring your bank account balance while spending money you don't have on lavish things (booze) you don't need(yes, I need booze!). Ignorance is bliss! Sadly though, all good things must come to an end. Now I have a job and am starting grad school- sleeping all day is a thing of the past...But the whole ignoring your bank account technique is still working out quite well for me (errrr).
9. Being an Adult
I find that for the most part being a "grown-up" kind of sucks (mostly sucks), but it does have its occasional perks.... For one, you can eat ice cream for dinner any time you want, and no one can tell you otherwise. Same goes for popcorn. Also, you can do all the things that you thought you were too cool to do as a teenager...like, sled riding, dancing to Phil Collins, and eating peanut butter. Of course there are several other more obvious benefits of "legality", but these are undoubtedly amongst the best.
10. Top 10 Lists
I should never commit to doing a “Top 10 List” because I can never think of a tenth item for the list…hmmm Ah well… Thanks for reading this far!